Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Blessings from our representatives (under subject: Government Reform)

This is for all of the hard-working politicos who labor over their browsers, sending oft-neglected personal letters to their elected officials! It was from me to my town's Abilene Reporter-News editor, published today:
Our State Representative Susan King is working very hard for us, as far as I've seen, and her connections are incredible! Take, for example, the last sentence in her form letter she e-mails her letter-writers.

''May God bless you and our great state of Texas.''

Now, I believe in a Republican form of government, but I didn't know she could do that! And the whole state of Texas at that!

Now, if I can only get her to lower our sales tax.

David Weller

Thanks for sharing this laugh, and remember, In God We Trust. :)

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