Monday, August 25, 2008

Tell your members of Congress to stay away from big money at the conventions

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From: Public Citizen


ACTION UPDATE: Crash the Parties!

Every four years, corporations and other major donors exploit a loophole in campaign finance law and give millions to sponsor the national party conventions. During the conventions, they throw lavish parties for our representatives in Congress, making sure their interests are heard loud and clear.

They don't do this for nothing. In return for mega-donations, host committees for both parties offer corporations and other donors prime advertising space at the convention and exclusive access to influential politicians. The greater the contribution, the greater the advertising and access opportunities.

Elected officials are supposed to represent us, the people whose votes they depend on. We should be the ones talking to them at the 2008 conventions. Our voices are the ones they should hear loud and clear. We can make ourselves heard now by sending a clear message: members of Congress should put voters first, not big donors.

Go to Public Citizen's campaign web page now and take action! There are a few things you can do right now to help return the voice of the voter back to the actual voters-- we, the people. Thank you

. >All Things Reform Mobile: >Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 (not toll-free) >US House/Senate Mobile: >Contact your reps tips: .

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