Tuesday, March 01, 2011

JournalStar.com: Opponents say Nebraska voter ID bill could disenfranchise voters and cost state money

"In the mind of Fremont [Nebraska] Senator Charlie Janssen, his proposal to require people to show photo IDs when they vote is a way to head off voter fraud and ensure Nebraska uses the "best practices" when holding elections.
But opponents of the measure (LB239) say it would disenfranchise some voters -- particularly the poor, the elderly and minorities -- who do not have driver's licenses by making them pay the $26.50 the state charges to issue a photo ID.
They say requiring people to buy a state ID in order to vote would amount to an illegal 'poll tax.'"
The entire article, with commenting, is at http://journalstar.com/news/state-and-regional/article_c143b82f-541a-556c-ac3d-a94d62e0fc80.html 
Nebraskans: You can contact your own State Senator concerning bill LB239.

A hat tip to Voting News.


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