Sunday, March 06, 2011

A New Kind of Third Party: The US has a strong history of using Multi-Member State Legislature Elections!

"Strategic State-level Electoral reform matters! Almost any alternative to the prevalent First-Past-the-Post serves to mitigate the ability of a small but highly motivated portion of our population to bring about a seismic shift in the composition of our gov't. The conflict in WI has shown that such a shift has potentially very serious implications for the long-term balance of power in the USA. This is why I'm very grateful to FairVote for their promise to push for American forms of Proportional Representation hard in the coming year(s)! Even probably the weakest form of multi-seated election in Arizona had a moderating influence on its' shift in power, which keeps too much power from corrupting any party too much."
This article, using the example of Arizona's multi-seated elections, has commenting at 
Remember, "voting turnout and activism means spreading the word!"

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