Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The USA democracy debate over felon voting reform falls on partisan lines

From a Death and Taxes article, which offers reader commenting -- for details, please read the entire article.
"The debate over felon voting reform could easily be dissected into a bipartisan matter. Governors Branstad and Scott as well as the other officials supportive of increased felon disenfranchisement are all Republicans, and many critics claim the GOP wants to cut down on a population more loyal to the Democrats.
“This is about stealing elections and hurting individuals’ chances of starting over after prison. If felons had had the franchise in Florida back in 2000, over a million more people would have been eligible to vote, the election would not have been close enough for the Supreme Court to give it to Bush,” Ohio lawyer Ken Lumpkin told the Cleveland Leader.
And, yes, reform opponents do tend to invoke right-wing rhetoric to plead their case."
Thanks to The Sentencing Project for the news.

Remember, "voting turnout and activism means spreading the word!"

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