U.S. PIRG is leading a campaign to bring a toy safety bill that has passed both houses of congress to the next step, a joint conference. Very good provisions are included in both the US House (bill H.R.4040) and Senate (bill S.2045) versions; we need to see that Congress passes a final bill that gives the president the best features from both.
This campaign features both a citizens' petition, and a photo collage of our own children that we can upload to the campaign webpage. Please go to U.S. PIRG's toy safety campaign webpage now; here is the text of the petition:
Here’s a picture of my child. Congress should give him/her and millions of
other children the strongest protection possible from dangerous toys. We urge
you to take the strongest parts of both the House and Senate CPSC reform bills
as you prepare a final law for the President’s signature before Father’s Day.
Any final law should protect children up to 12 years old, as the House bill
would provide. It should require third-party testing for hazards of all consumer
products, including toys, as the Senate bill would provide. It should ban toxic
lead at the lowest level possible and include the Senate’s provision banning
toxic phthalate chemicals. On other provisions, children deserve the best of
both bills.
Thank you