- Committee for Economic Development (CED) : Federal Budget
- Choosing our Fiscal Future
- Concord Coalition
- Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB)
- Facing Up to the Nation's Finances
- OMB Watch: Federal Budget and Tax
- Peter G Peterson Foundation (PGPF)
- The Heritage Foundation: Budget Chart Book
Friday, April 30, 2010
Online projects for citizens to participate in for our nation's financial crisis
Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network Blog: There's an app for that!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Political Party Time � USA TODAY uses Party Time to examine payday lenders
The People’s Blog for the Constitution � Video of Chip Pitts’ talk at UTD
Subject | Just Foreign Policy
After Much Delay, the DISCLOSE Act is Introduced | OMB Watch
Text & History � Forced Injustice in Arbitration: Heads, Corporate America Wins; Tails, Ordinary Americans Lose
Countdown to Catastrophe
What can be done? | Public Campaign Action Fund
Riding Herd on Company Management
Privacy.org - The Source for News, Information, and Action
Coalition to Congress: Oppose new Biometric ID plan | Liberty Coalition
Subject | Just Foreign Policy
Showtime for Bank Reform in the Senate | Center for Media and Democracy
GOP Voter Registration Fraud Reported in California | Center for Media and Democracy
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A "Statement on Justice John Paul Stevens" and more on the U.S. Supreme Court justice's retirement
Bert Brandenburg, executive director of Justice at Stake, has issued the following statement on Justice John Paul Stevens’ retirement, as well as a biography of his life in the courts. A running summary of media reports, including speculation on the new Supreme Court vacancy, is in a separate Gavel Grab post below.
New, Free Research Tools on Campaign Finance Out
A new site, TransparencyData.com, is acclaimed as "a central source for all federal and state campaign contributions made in the last twenty years." The Sunlight Foundation teamed up with the National Institute on Money in State Politics and the Center for Responsive Politics, and by merging data from these groups, produced a new development in the availability of campaign finance data. The public will be able to search through and download data about political donors, lobbyists, and lawmakers that may shed light on policy discussions and legislative votes. A Sunlight Foundation blog discusses some of the various ways the new resource can be used.
In addition, the Center for Responsive Politics has created a new section on OpenSecrets.orgdedicated to tracking independent political expenditures. "In each recent election cycle, hundreds of organizations together spent hundreds of millions of dollars in independent political expenditures that fueled advertisements and other communications supporting or opposing particular political candidates. And that was before the brave new world of the 2010 election cycle." Referencing the Supreme Court Citizens United decision, they expect a vast increase in the number of independent expenditures and the amount of money spent on such messages. Start exploring data on independent expenditures here.
The Campaign Finance Institute also used data from the National Institute on Money in State Politics to create an interactive tool, "Be A Citizen Policy Analyst." By selecting various changes to states' campaign finance laws, the tool will show you how those laws would impact political giving in the state. "In state after state, the tool shows that with only a few simple changes, the power of the small donor can transform the system."
Blog post includes links to tools.
Real-time web "Campaign Finance Reform" [OneRiot.com]
Tax Day Financial Analysis Charts
With tax day fast approaching, it's worth discussing the current state of revenues in the United States. Last year, revenue collection hit a 60-year record low of 14.8 percent of GDP -- which was enough to pay for only 60% of what we spent.
Importantly, this revenue dip will be a temporary one -- caused by the precipitous drop in wages (including due to unemployment), capital gains, and corporate profits resulting from the recession, as well as a number of temporary tax cuts ("stimulus") designed to help the economy rebound.
In 2007, before the economic crisis, we were raising 18.8 percent of GDP, and by 2020, under the President's budget, we will be raising 19.6 percent.
Keep up-to-date federal budget analysis charts
CRFB would like to introduce our new "Featured Charts" page where we will highlight important fiscal, economic, health care, and entitlement projection data in clear, interactive, and sharable graphs. CRFB will update these charts continuously as new data becomes available.
We encourage you to share any or all of these charts on your own websites and/or blogs.These charts will automatically update on your site even after you embed them. We hope this becomes a resource for anyone searching for important fiscal data.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
U.S. Rep. Price Puts Big Money Interests Ahead of Struggling Residents in His Georgia District
Image via Wikipedia
Judicial integrity in peril in new, unregulated Citizens United era
Spotlight: Berman and Company
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Dept. of Health and Human Services still has not released flu vaccination contractor information
Image via Wikipedia
New congressional commission on our fiscal future doomed to fail from the start
After one year, support for Fair Elections Now Act at all time high
Saturday, April 03, 2010
US Department of Justice: Identity Theft Not a Priority
Agencies to unveil open government plans under president's directive
Friday, April 02, 2010
Court, Media Weigh In on Federal Eavesdropping
Congress members from both houses and parties under an ethics complaint
Image by Getty Images via Daylife