Although they seldom attract the mass media, perennial leaders in soft money campaign contributions have been government employee unions. Here is a spotlight on the influence commensurate with such big money financial favors.
From "Public Servants Enjoying Juicy Contracts" article Aug. 7, 2006 Human Events Online:
The amount of tax revenue coming into government coffers simply isn’t enough to sustain the pay and benefit packages being afforded to not only current government employees, but the army of government retirees, as well. The biggest problem is that most elected officials are scared to death to even talk about this coming budgetary Armageddon, let alone do anything about it. The unions have been very effective at using members’ dues for political, action. Meanwhile, most negotiating for government employee contracts is done in secret, so the public has no idea what back-room-deal they’re even agreeing to. Looked at another way, the average taxpayer who is paying the average government employee’s wages is making some $10,000 a year LESS than the government employee.
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