Monday, September 17, 2007

FairVote's electoral reform news

Top news and updates from FairVote, as of September 5th:

Presidential Primary Reform: FairVote-backed American Plan draws support of New York Times [HERE] and NPR interview [HERE] with Rob Richie

Instant Runoff Voting: IRV makes the November ballot in Sarasota (FL), Aspen (CO), and Washington State counties [MORE INFO]

Proportional Representation: Canada's biggest province Ontario to vote on adoption of "mixed member" proportional voting on October 10. Please donate: [MORE INFO]

National Popular Vote: NPV plan may head to California ballot as a contrast with the undemocratic "congressional district" system -- see FairVote's critique of the district plan [READ MORE] and see Rob Richie's piece in the Austin American-Statesman [HERE].

Research: FairVote releases new congressional election analyses: Dubious Democracy 2007 [HERE] and Monopoly Politics [HERE].

Press: FairVote has a new feature: its weekly Innovative Analysis series, featuring revealing statistics and insightful commentary [HERE].