Public Citizen has a grassroots campaign to stop President Bush from increasing his battle to put big money interests over the public interest. Please tell your US Representative and two US Senators enough is enough, and to deny the administration abusing this extra power.
I just found out that the president is asking Congress to give him a slush fund -- he wants the ability to move funds around in the Executive Office of the President, which could mean giving the White House's regulatory office more power to put us at risk.
This is the office that is responsible for children dying and getting brain damage in the 1980s from Reye's Syndrome, because it kept the FDA from putting a simple warning label on aspirin. And it's been playing this dangerous game time and time again ever since then, putting us all at risk in ways we don't always know about, because it's so powerful but very secretive.
I just took action to tell Congress to say NO to the slush fund for Bush's White House -- and you can, too, at
It think it's just outrageous he thinks he can get away with this!
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