We periodically receive newsletters from a wide variety of government reform news sources. These focus on only the major events within their respective areas of expertise. Here is a selection from a recent email newsletter:
From Taxpayers for Common Sense
TCS, Allies and Taxpayers Find 76 Lawmakers Publish Earmark Requests
[...] TCS, working with the Sunlight Foundation, Citizens Against Government Waste, and taxpayers across the country, found 76 lawmakers that disclose all of their requests on the internet. An additional 46 decline earmarks entirely. That brings the transparency total to 112 out of 535 members of Congress.
You can see a list of who is disclosing. The problem with keeping requests in the shadows is it inflates the number of requests to be dealt with, since a request doesn't cost anything. And it prevents earlier accountability and oversight. TCS encourages constituents to ask their lawmakers to come clean about where they are asking to spend your tax dollars.
> All Things Reform Mobile: allthingsreform.mofuse.mobi
> Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 (not toll-free)
> US House/ US Senate Mobile: bit.ly/members
> Contact your representative tips: bit.ly/dear