Image via WikipediaThis is not an earth-shattering proposition. It won't put a major dent in our national debt. It won't create millions of high-wage jobs. However, it is an improvement in the ethical culture of Capitol Hill. And that would be a very pervasive influence on its legislation.
We are all familiar with the some-time double-talk of the Bush administration. For example, they are fast-tracking the opening up of land to shale oil drilling. Its high environmental costs and heavy use of water are well known. However, the Bush administration, instead of acknowledging the costs involved in shale oil drilling, is only concerned with conducting a public relations spin campaign about their self-informed political decision.
One move to eliminate this double-talk from our own representatives is to reform the naming of bills in congress. Who wouldn't want to vote for the "Peace and prosperity 2008" bill? Or how about the "Environment Recovery Act". Let us title our bills with accurate descriptions of the action involved, instead. Then, an honest debate of these bills will bring all sides of their issues to light for negotiation.
If you feel the same way about abusive double-talk of government initiatives, send a message to your two US Senators and your Representative. Tell them you want honesty and transparency in their communications about important bills, not slick public relations gimmicks that avoid healthy debate.
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