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From: Taxpayers for Common Sense
[TCS has been an integral watchdog of our federal government's fiscal activities. The below letter from them reminds us of how critical they are during this time of economic crisis. If you can, please financially support this independent taxpayer's friend in bringing to light these momentous days in Washington. Thank you.]
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Dear Fellow Taxpayer,
The price tag for the government's response to the economic crisis keeps growing.
As you've probably heard, the $787 billion stimulus was signed into law on Tuesday. This afternoon a $75 billion Homeowner Stability Initiative was unveiled by the Obama Administration. GM and Chrysler are back in Washington asking for $22 billion more in taxpayer help. And we're still looking for details on the Treasury's plans for the second half of the $700 billion bank bailout program.
The need for an independent, experienced, fiercely dedicated budget watchdog is growing by-the-minute.
If you have not done so yet, and can support our work, please consider making a donation today.
We need your support to hold the federal government, state agencies, and government contractors accountable for the billions being directed from Washington. Many people have asked me what role TCS can play in bringing oversight and transparency to the spending of our tax dollars? With a new administration vowing to be more transparent and on-line, what does TCS add?
Well, we add a lot:
- 100% Independence
We take no money from political parties, the government, corporations, or labor unions. The only person we work for is you, the taxpayer. We don't pull punches out of fear of upcoming elections, Wall Street's reaction, or having our budget cut by some political boss. Non-partisan, objective, and speaking the truth—whether you are going to like what you hear or not.
- Experience
We've been down this road before. Our budget specialists have plumbed the depths of the federal budget for years. We have an intimate knowledge of dozens of waste-prone programs and agencies (post-Katrina FEMA contracts, the Army Corps of Engineers, Iraq contracting, etc.) and have seen nearly every trick in the legislative book.
- Unmatched Commitment
My staff has been called a lot of things: hard-working, efficient, dogged, even scrappy…and that's just by our allies. But one thing we've never been called: lazy. Nearly every day someone fires-up their computer before dawn. The oil in our office burns well past midnight. And weekends—they're a great time for kids' soccer matches and made-from-scratch pancakes, as well as earmark databasing and catching-up on archived C-Span hearings.For fourteen years, TCS has been a crucial voice for taxpayers on Capitol Hill. We have exposed the big spenders and fought for greater transparency. In the midst of a financial crisis and an unprecedented federal response, taxpayers need a strong and independent voice in Washington now more than ever.
Please help strengthen the voice of taxpayers in Washington and support our work today.
Ms. Ryan Alexander
PresidentP.S. We depend on the support of people like you. Please make a donation in support of our work today. And to stay on top of breaking news concerning the management of your tax dollars, visit us at
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