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From: National Taxpayers Union
At last -- a voice for those who pay big government's bills, not those who create them. NTU has begun a weekly Internet radio program called "Speaking of Taxpayers" on GMMY (Golden Music Memories of Yesteryear) Radio is an online destination dedicated to providing music and other entertainment from the 30s, 40s, and 50s.
Every Sunday from 3 to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time, NTU's on-air personalities provide news and views of interest to taxpayers -- not just from Washington, DC, but from all 50 states and thousands of cities and towns from across the nation. Sponsored and produced by NTU, "Speaking of Taxpayers" will feature special guest interviews with NTU's policy experts, along with lawmakers, citizen activists, and other figures in the movement for limited government. The show also offers up an "Outrage of the Week" -- a ridiculous example of wasteful government spending modeled after the popular feature in NTU's research arm's award-winning newsletter, Capital Ideas.
In addition to online radio, NTU & NTUF are online whenever you connect to the Internet. We have RSS feeds for our home page,, and for our blog, You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
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