Before the Revolution; the 13 colonies are in pink. Image via Wikipedia
From: National Taxpayers Union
If you're fed up with the perpetual growth of government taxes, spending, and regulation, you have a great opportunity to make your voice heard this coming Wednesday!
A couple months ago, CNBC reporter Rick Santelli sparked the birth of a nationwide grassroots movement in opposition to government bailouts with his call for a "Chicago Tea Party" protest. Organizations including the National Taxpayers Union and its local allies have run with the idea, and "Tea Parties" have been scheduled in hundreds of locations around the country for this Wednesday, April 15. Angry citizens will be able to unite against reckless federal, state, and local fiscal policies that could ruin this great nation and condemn future generations to poverty.
If you haven't made plans to attend a Tea Party already, please visit the following Web site,
You'll be in the good company of thousands of National Taxpayers Union supporters who are committed to participating in these rallies.
In the National Taxpayers Union's 40-year history, we have rarely seen such an outpouring of spontaneous activity from communities of taxpayers throughout America. If all of us do our best to attend a local Tea Party and encourage others to do the same, we may very well be launching the beginning of a taxpayer revolt that will rival the American Revolution itself!
Please, take an hour or so this coming Wednesday, April 15, to stand up and be counted among millions of modern-day patriots who want to take back the government that once served taxpayers rather than special interests. See you there, and let's raise a ruckus politicians won't be able to ignore!
Your Grassroots Action Team at NTU
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