- Sunlight Foundation: What to read now http://bit.ly/dBkN0n #gov20 #opengov
- "Senate Dem: Take up campaign finance bill in lame-duck session" http://bit.ly/95vUTe #elections
- "In important cases, Supreme Court outcomes sometimes determined by a single word" http://bit.ly/9XMufQ #elections
- "God Didn't Create Corporations" http://bit.ly/97UyIH #elections
- Persily/Ansolabehere Data on Attitudes About Corporate Spending in Elections http://bit.ly/auj97l #elections
- The Open House Project: The Day in Sunlight 10/18/2010 http://bit.ly/ahchP1 #gov20 #opengov
- The Open House Project: The Day in Transparency 10/18/10 http://bit.ly/cNxwhq #gov20 #opengov
- The Midmorning Refill: Denying global warming like it’s 1999 http://bit.ly/bYWuZt #reform
- Foreign-connected PACs Increase Giving During 2010 Cycle http://bit.ly/cXmlYv #elections
- Sunlight Foundation: Daily Disclosures http://bit.ly/aGmiPM #gov20 #opengov
- Gerry Who? http://bit.ly/9waaqR #reform
- Sunlight Foundation: Outside groups spend 3 times more on attacks http://bit.ly/bajI0C #gov20 #opengov
- Sunlight Foundation: Knight Foundation Awards Sunlight New Grant for “National Data Apps” &... http://bit.ly/agyjLg #gov20 #opengov
- Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group: Right-leaning outside groups outspending opposition by ... http://bit.ly/cvOdkV #gov20 #opengov
- Sunlight Foundation's Political Party Time: A mayor, a governor, a veep and Darrell Issa http://bit.ly/bxIg0c #gov20 #opengov
- LINK: Wealth to Restore Democracy http://bit.ly/bGDk0d #reform
- "Judge Strikes Down Montana's Ban on Corporate Political Expenditures" http://tinyurl.com/2ajvqej #elections
- "Our view on judicial independence: Judges face reprisals for unpopular rulings" http://tinyurl.com/275pwrn #elections
- "Impact of Citizens United v. FEC" http://tinyurl.com/2ey4kyf #elections
- "Registration Trends in 'Purple' America' http://tinyurl.com/2caz6oh #elections
- "Don't Vote This November" http://bit.ly/8X5Zsv #elections