~ OpenSecretsblogPublic Citizen President Robert Weissman turned and faced the U.S. Capitol building this morning.“Whose side are you on?” he shouted at the massive building.Weissman's nonprofit organization, along with the leaders of five others, met in a grassy area outside the Capitol to advocate that a stripped down version of the DISCLOSE Act be put back on the Senate floor during the 111th Congress' lame duck session. The DISCLOSE Act, which passed the House but stalled in the Senate, would in part require most organizations that engage in political advertising to identify their donors.
The above article states that 92 percent of Americans feel “campaigns should be required to disclose how much money they raised, where the money came from and how they have spent the money.” I concur. In fact, it's such an ethical issue that the DISCLOSE Act should be passed even if a majority of Americans do not agree with the bill.