The public is fairly determined to wait for the action of the parties. But if we can make the public at large feel in advance that they are certain of having an alternative in case the party conventions are unsatisfactory, we shall sap the foundations of party discipline beforehand without exposing ourselves to any possible attack.
I hope these tactics will coincide with your views. Otherwise I shall wait with great anxiety the decision you shall make. But in any case believe me
Very sincerely Yours
Henry Adams.
Hon. Carl Schurz.
[Draft of circular letter.]
-- March. 1876.
The present condition of political affairs is such as to create grave concern in the minds of all reflecting men.
The great party conventions are soon to meet. As yet there is no indication that the choice of these conventions will fall upon persons in whom independent voters can place confidence. All the indications of the time point to the possibility that, in the conflict between personal interests, the interests of the nation may be overlooked, and either a combination of corrupt influences may control the result, or, as has so often happened, the difficulty of harmonising personal claims may lead to the nomination of candidates whom you cannot support with self-respect.
Against such a possibility it is our duty to take every precaution. The Republican Convention will meet on the -- of June. We have the honor, therefore, respectfully to invite your attendance at a conference of gentlemen independent of party ties, to meet at the city of on the day of June, to decide whether we can support the nominations made by the Republican Convention, and if not, to place before the people candidates of our own selection.
We have the honor &c &c
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