Politics1 - American Politics, Elections, Candidates & Campaigns
A reply to a short, nasty Politics1 article about a hard-working Reformer in my party, from another Reformer:
Ahh, time for a rebuttal. Funny, I never thought my personal
comments meant to be a scathing response to the owner/editor/publisher of a "I think I'll rehash political news without being too hard on the corrupt, inept, lying, 'my political party comes before my country and is always right,' vote selling, 'it's not my fault more American citizens don't go and vote on election day, that's just the way our democracy operates' (all the while putting severe restrictions on political parties to be on the ballot in the states, and purposefully making it almost impossible for any contender for POTUS who is not in one of the two major political parties to appear in the presidential debates,' bureaucracy growing (without improving results), 'to hell with what the American people want, I know what is better' (for my pocketbook, and my re-election bid coming up) politicians (not all, but, many) who seem to dominate the political landscape in America today", would become" Front page" news on this highly esteemed, politically groundbreaking, and illustrious website. Yes, the "crude, ranting" response I left was merely meant as a harsh (harsh in the absolute worst sort of way) rebuke to a person (and a few quasi-literate readers who posted comments on his story) who seems to find it amusing to deride (in deference to the editor, he has written that it was "good natured fun") a disabled war veteran who, has volunteered 1000's of hours to a cause with the simple aim of making this country better for all Americans. The editor, having "gone there," left himself open for an attack against himself for his choice in asking himself "what is 'REALLY' important on the political landscape today? What issues are NOT being addressed by the major news media, to which the public has a right (and definite need) to know about so that they can be informed as to what is the proper course of action to take to rectify the situation(s)?" Of course I, being the being the faithful defender of those who ARE attempting to make this country, and their communities a better place to live in by volunteering their Very valuable time, came to the defense of such an individual.
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