In the continual quest to bring light and order to the vast community of government reformers, I have built a database of the more active reform organizations. By using a free service of Zoho- it's 'Creator' product- we now have an easy-to-read database of common web site features for each of these orgs.
Fields of criteria in the database include: Name, home page URL, Mission, Contact URL, Databases, Blog Name, Blog URLs, Active/News only, Email list, and Social networks. The data will show that even the more important reform orgs. vary widely in some of the features they offer their visitors. For instance, some news sites don't engage in social networking, while some activist sites do, heavily. The database also allows you to filter some of the columns; users of the Firefox browser have more options than that of Internet Explorer.
We will try to keep it updated as the internet continues to devolop in technology and some of the organizations continue to grow.
"Government Reform Organizations Site Information" and it's link to the Zoho public database is located toward the bottom of this blog's lefthand column, near the list of blog labels. Please consult it whenever you would like to learn more about the very active government reform groups available on the web and the many ways they interact with their members and visitors.
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