From: OMB Watch
[US Rep. Conyers delivers a powerful appeal to the FBI concerning their leaked investigation of ACORN. -David Weller]
Posted by Amanda Adams
Friday, October 17, 2008
It would be impossible to ignore the news surrounding the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, a grassroots community organization that advocates for low and moderate income people and has traditionally been active in registering low income voters. The group has had clear and unacceptable organizational troubles, for example, a relative of one of its leaders embezzled funds from the group. However, on the issue of voter registration, ACORN admits that some of its hired canvassers have turned in forms with fake names, but they say these represent only a tiny fraction of the new voters the group signed up.
After news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened an investigation into ACORN, Representative John Conyers☼ (D-MI) wrote a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller and Department of Justice Attorney General Michael Mukasey concerned that such a leak about an ongoing criminal investigation is inappropriate.
The letter states, "Moreover, this news is all the more troubling in light of the proven wrongdoing at the Justice Department in the United States Attorneys scandal. As you are aware, there is extensive evidence that political operatives improperly pressured United States Attorneys to investigate and prosecute spurious claims of voter fraud in close proximity to an election. When some did not, they were terminated.
"In any case, undeniably some faulty voter registration forms were submitted, but does this result in voter fraud? Even if the voter registration forms are forged, these fake people or even Mickey Mouse will not show up to the polls to vote. Therefore no ballot will be cast, and it will not affect the outcome of an election. And yes, those who submit fraudulent voter registration cards should be punished.
"Instead of worrying about fake and unqualified voters from going to the polls, we must ensure that every registered eligible voter can cast ballots that count. For example, the Brennan Center for Justice recently issued a report on the practice of voter purging. The report found that 700 people were removed from the voter lists in Muscogee, Georgia, supposedly because they were ineligible to vote due to criminal convictions. Some of the people removed never even received a parking ticket. Careless purging, possibly rooted in concerns about voter fraud, may lead to such aggressive practices where qualified voters are mistakenly removed from the rolls.
"A New York Times editorial agrees, and urges the government do "a better job of registering people to vote. That way there would be less need to rely on private registration drives, largely being conducted by well-meaning private organizations that use low-paid workers."