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From: Facing Up to the Nation's Finances
Be the policymaker, the advisor, or the opinion columnist. What do you think about the federal government’s fiscal crisis, and what do you think should be done?
Make your voice heard and submit your thoughts as part of a national contest (as well as for an assignment in your class). Please write a short essay or create a video or other multimedia presentation (“Entry”) addressing any or all of these questions:
- Please discuss the causes and potential consequences of growing national debt for America and your generation.
- What are some reforms that you would support in order to reduce debt and restore a healthier economic future for the United States?
In addition to being part of a national competition with four prizes of $500 each awarded at the end of the semester, your work may be posted on Public Agenda’s website, featured on YouTube, and elsewhere, republished in other forms, and brought to the attention of national leaders and news media.
Entries will be accepted starting Oct. 1, 2008, on All Entries must be received by Dec. 10, 2008, at 11:59 p.m. ET. The winners in all categories will be selected by Dec. 19, 2008, and announced on the website that day.
Students are eligible to participate if they are currently enrolled in a participating college or university and have participated in Students Face Up in a course or in an event on your campus. Proof of participation will be required by the winner.
[Facing Up article has further contest details]
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