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From: You Street
If you support public funding of elections, here's a great way to show it. By taking just a few minutes to actually "vote" for this idea, you can help us get a public funding proposal presented to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day!
Our friends and allies at are conducting a nationwide vote on the best "Ideas for Change in America." Only the top two vote-getters will make the cut, and so far publicly funded elections is one of the two — but only narrowly. Will you help put public funding over the top? We only have until Wednesday, 12/31 — vote now!
If we can get enough votes, "will then build a national campaign to advance [the] idea in Congress, marshaling the resources of, MySpace, and our dozens of partner organizations and millions of combined members." Wouldn't that be a great way to ring in the New Year?
Voting is quick and easy. Just click here and click the blue button that says "Vote!" with a number over it. Then sign up for (if you haven't already), then check for a confirmation email and confirm your account by clicking the link. Click the "Vote!" button again and your vote for publicly funded elections will be counted.
And please be sure to help us get out the vote by alerting your friends, so we can build the movement and make sure we're high on President Obama's agenda.