> Payday Lenders Pressuring Customers to Oppose Reform. Center for Media and Democracy bit.ly/bHeX6L
Bills S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010-- Official: An original bill to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end "too big to fail", to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes. as introduced.
> Senate bill would require agencies to post public records online. firstamendmentcenter.org bit.ly/9id5eW
> Tester proposes putting public records online, publishing gov info right on web. Sunshine Review Blog bit.ly/ayyDK4
> Public Online Info Act requires all gov-held info already publicly available to be online. Sunlight Foundation Blog bit.ly/9Qob0m
Bills H.R.4858 Public Online Information Act-- Official: To establish an advisory committee to issue nonbinding government-wide guidelines on making public information available on the Internet, to require publicly available Government information held by the executive branch to be made available on the Internet, to express the sense of Congress that publicly available information held by the legislative and judicial branches should be available on the Internet, and for other purposes. as introduced. S.3321-- Official: A bill to establish an advisory committee to issue nonbinding governmentwide guidelines on making public information available on the Internet, to require publicly available Government information held by the executive branch to be made available on the Internet, to express the sense of Congress that publicly available information held by the legislative and judicial branches should be available on the Internet, and for other purposes. as introduced.
> Feingold Introduces Moderate Contracting Reform Bill. OMB Watch bit.ly/cItOIs
> Feingold Introduces Moderate Contracting Reform Bill. OMB Watch bit.ly/cItOIs
Bills S.3272 Corporate Governance Reform Act of 2009-- Official: A bill to provide greater controls and restrictions on revolving door lobbying. as introduced.
> New Bill Would Make Long-Overdue Changes to Tax Code. The Foundry bit.ly/bCcr81
> New Bill Would Make Long-Overdue Changes to Tax Code. The Foundry bit.ly/bCcr81
Bills H.R.5029 Economic Freedom Act of 2010-- Official: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow the private sector to create robust levels of economic growth. as introduced.
> Senate Unanimously Passes Faster FOIA Act. EPIC bit.ly/alp 8Si
> Senate Unanimously Passes Faster FOIA Act. EPIC bit.ly/alp 8Si
Bills H.R.5087 Faster FOIA Act of 2010-- Official: To establish the Commission on Freedom of Information Act Processing Delays. as introduced. S.3111 Faster FOIA Act of 2010-- Official: Faster FOIA Act of 2010 as introduced. Official: A bill to establish the Commission on Freedom of Information Act Processing Delays. as introduced.
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