> It's not over with DISCLOSE, what about Fair Elections Now Act. Political Activity Law bit.ly/9iIlvC
> Danger for DISCLOSE Act in shareholder amendment? Political Activity Law bit.ly/a8ETPk
> The Right's Latest Scare Tactic: No More Political Blogging. Brennan Center for Justice bit.ly/9SJjVp
Bills H.R.5175 DISCLOSE Act-- Official: To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to
prohibit foreign influence in Federal elections, to prohibit government contractors from making expenditures
with respect to such elections, and to establish additional disclosure requirements with respect to spending in
such elections, and for other purposes. as introduced. S.3295 DISCLOSE Act-- Official: A bill to amend
the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit foreign influence in Federal elections, to prohibit
government contractors from making expenditures with respect to such elections, and to establish additional
disclosure requirements with respect to spending in such elections, and for other purposes. as introduced
> Grassley Proposes FinReg Amendment That Would Strengthen Independence of IGs. POGO Blog bit.ly/9zoi2v
> Senate Passes "Audit the Fed" Amendment, Rejects Proposal for Ongoing Audit. POGO Blog bit.ly/dmBJYa
> If we want to establish a fair financial system, empower states to take action against abusive banks. Eyes on the Ties bit.ly/aiDa8n
> Shining a Light on the Shadow Bank Lobby. Eyes on the Ties bit.ly/bYdg1q
> FinReg Update- What's Happened, What's Next. OpenCongress bit.ly/9YQpOG
> Leahy Pushes Financial Reform Amendment to Protect Whistleblowers, Transparency. CREW bit.ly/d2dWex
> Senates Votes To Toughen Standards for Home Loans. CQ Politics bit.ly/aaJXVV
> Action could shift to car dealers after defeat of amendment to protect Wall St.'s shadow marketeers. U.S. PIRG bit.ly/aGVnps
Bills S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010-- Official: An original bill to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end "too big to fail", to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes. as introduced.
> Bill would improve gov's database of contractors with criminal, civil, and admin offenses. POGO Blog b it.ly/9nuiq6
Bills S.3323-- Official: A bill to improve the management and oversight of Federal contracts, and for other purposes. as introduced.
> 'Climate Bill' a nuclear energy-promoting, oil drilling-championing, coal mining-boosting gift to polluters. CitizenVox bit.ly/cFV7Kb
> Help send a message to Congress: Take the donor pledge today! Public Campaign Action Fund bit.ly/cd37Jl
> Most of the laws in this country are not made by congress, but rather, the administrative state. The Foundry bit.ly/apfV0u
> Progressives To Dems: Get Moving On Judicial Nominations. TPMMuckraker bit.ly/cGFByi
> Senate secret holds on nominations and other important matters. CREW bit .ly/bAwhrX
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