Why Tuesday? » Bloomberg Wants To Boost Turnout
- Mike Bloomberg's election reform plan
Why Tuesday? » Bloomberg Wants To Boost Turnout
- Mike Bloomberg's election reform plan
As Laws Shift, Voters Cast Ballots Weeks Before the Polls Close -
- At least one-third of all ballots across the country this year will be cast before Election Day, party officials said, reflecting a steady rise in early voting that is profoundly influencing how political campaigns are conducted in many parts of the country.
Public Campaign Action Fund:
- Please make a contribution today so that we can have a Congress that's accountable to us, not corporate and special interests. Because we engage in lobbying and electoral advocacy, contributions to Public Campaign Action Fund are not tax-deductible.
Sunlight Foundation
- In this election cycle, the most expensive midterm in recent memory, your donation is crucial to making sure we can continue creating tools that let you follow the money in politics and expose shadowy political relationships.
9-29-2010 -- Fair Formula Congressional Redistricting Act Introduced: Statement of J. Gerald Hebert, Executive Director
- Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) introduced The Fair Formula Congressional Redistricting Act to reform the manner in which Congressional Districts are drawn following the biennial census.
Mike DeBonis on Local Politics - Experts raise warning flags over D.C. Internet voting plan
- A national good-government organization and a group of leading computer scientists are raising concerns about a new Internet voting initiative set to debut for District voters in the coming weeks.
Former Justice official says 'race-neutral' voting enforcement discouraged The ex-voting chief tells the U.S. Civil Rights Commission that under President Obama, the department focused on prosecuting whites accused of racially motivated acts but did not pursue minorities. - Los Angeles Times
- A former Justice Department official on Friday accused his superiors of discouraging "race-neutral" voting enforcement and gutting a controversial 2008 voter intimidation case in which suspects were part of an African American militant group accused of violating the rights of white voters.
Mike Gravel: Both US major parties are corrupt, so let's try direct democracy | Independent Political Report
- I've spent most of my recent life working for direct democracy so that the people can become lawmakers and set their own policies. And they won't be bothered about my "special interests," believe me.
How many fundraisers? How about 400 in 14 days? | Political Activity Law/Political Law/Election Law
- Inside the Capitol, lawmakers are largely marking time by naming post offices and passing a resolution to keep the government running through the elections. But outside the Capitol, in the private rooms of Washington's top steakhouses, political clubs and Capitol Hill townhouse salons, there is an epic money grab under way, with more than 400 fundraisers for House candidates in the two weeks leading up to Friday's congressional adjournment.
Ideas & Action Blog: Poverty and Political Participation: Overcoming the Registration Barrier
- millions of low-income persons can be brought into the political process by making voter registration more accessible.
Third Party and Independent Daily: Insanity: Voting Democratic or Republican Over and Over Again, and Expecting Different Results
- neither political party can be trusted. There are alternatives to Democrats and Republicans, but they receive very little if any coverage by major media outlets.
Capital Rivals: Koch Brothers vs. George Soros - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
- Ever since Jane Mayer's recent New Yorker piece earlier this month, much of the media has risen to debate how much influence conservative and libertarian-leaning businessmen David and Charles Koch, the owners of Koch Industries, have in American politics.Some critics of the article argue that the media cries foul over the Koch brothers, yet largely ignores liberal George Soros, the Hungarian-American currency speculator and stock investor, who has spent millions of dollars on liberal and nonpartisan causes
Track Congressional Races With / New York Times Interactive Map - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
- Who's raising money from whom in my local congressional race? Which races are truly competitive? What candidates are even running? A new interactive map, produced by and the New York Times, will answer these questions and many more as the 2010 midterm election enters its final and most frenzied weeks.
The Alliance For Democracy - News, eNewsletters, Alerts and Chapter News: Citizens United After Eight Months
- And what about liberal groups? Even in the best of times they have a hard time competing with corporate PAC money, but this year is even tougher. At the same time that Citizens United has opened the spigot even wider for Republicans, it's run dry for Democrats.
This is it! Blitz Week at Rock the Vote «
- Voter registration deadlines start next Saturday and by Tuesday, October 5th, the window to register to vote will be closed in over half of the states in the country.
e.politics: online advocacy tools & tactics » In an Internet Age, All Politics is Local — But All Fundraising is National
- Of course, outside money is nothing new in politics — industries, unions and interest groups have flooded critical races with cash for decades — but what IS novel is the ability of the online tools to gather contributions from small donors and bundle them up into a meaningful sum again and again.
New 'Super Pacs' bringing millions into campaigns
- The super PACs were made possible by two court rulings, including one early this year by the Supreme Court, that lifted many spending and contribution limits. The groups can also mount the kind of direct attacks on candidates that were not allowed in the past.
e.politics: online advocacy tools & tactics » Can't Give Money to a Campaign? Donate Your Facebook Status — Automatically
Vote Out Incumbents Democracy - News : GOP unveils new agenda
Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Oklahoma Voters Will Vote on Whether to Lower Number of Signatures for Initiatives
Advocacy in Action, Farm Animal Stunt at the MDG Summit « The World InSight
National Popular Vote -- Electoral college reform by direct election of the President
Google Public Sector Blog: Helping Campaigns Get Online Faster - News : Activists focus on elections
Two Events on September 17 will show Support for the Democracy Restoration Act | Brennan Center for Justice
Great news, and a call to arms | Fix Congress First
e.politics: online advocacy tools & tactics » AMP Summit Starts Friday; Will Be Live-Streamed
Public Citizen lauds historic House committee approval of Fair Elections Bill, urges floor vote «
Democracy 21 -- DISCLOSE Act Falls One Vote Short of Reaching Senate Floor for Consideration; Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer
Boston Review — John Bonifaz & Jeffrey Clements: Restoring the Constitution
Grassroots action targeting Congress «
44 - Conservatives dominate campaign spending by interest groups
The Dream on Campus: Dialogue | Public Conversations Project
AI Online Workshop with David Cooperrider - The Appreciative Inquiry Commons
Celebrate 10 Years of Lifting Up Appreciative Inquiry at our AI "Storython"!
Avatar Activism and Beyond | MIT Center for Future Civic Media
National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation
NCDD Resource Center » Blog Archive » ParticipateDB
PublicDecisions: #P2Chat
Take action
Coffee Party Convention| Restoring American Democracy
NCDD Resource Center » Blog Archive » Our Budget, Our Economy: An AmericaSpeaks National Town Meeting
National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation
What will it take to start a BIG Citizenship Revolution?
BCLC Conference -
Stewart and Colbert rallies in Washington: Political activism for the rest of us? -
Peter Levine: Justice Ginsburg at the National Conference on Citizenship
At the National Conference on Citizenship
Two Events on September 17 will show Support for the Democracy Restoration Act | Brennan Center for Justice
e.politics: online advocacy tools & tactics » Super-Secret Magic E.Politics Discount Code for Next Week's AMP Summit, The 65th National Conference on Citizenship: BIG Citizenship: Citizens as Catalysts and Innovators
The FOIA blog: FOIAChat on Friday
Peter Levine: philanthropy, the White House and promoting civic engagement
This political message is paid for by … who knows? «
Votelaw, Edward Still's blog on law and politics: Alabama: "I see dead people" on the voting rolls
Ideas & Action Blog: As Primaries Approach, Where Are States in Registering Low-Income Voters?
Verified Voting Foundation : Military and Overseas Voters, Submit your Ballot Request for the General Election
Why Tuesday? » Go Ahead, Ask The Candidates!
OpenIDEO: a new platform for tackling social challenge
This Constitution Day, Watch NCoC: Live! «
Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » How Polls Sometimes Produce Inaccurate Results: a Texas Example
Nader urges Oklahoma to reform laws for third party candidates on the ballot | Civic leaders to speak at Civic Innovators Forum
PublicDecisions: NCDD's Upcoming Five Fall Events
Democracy Class
Want to Engage Millennials? Let Them Make It Their Own | Social Citizens Blog
- Want to Engage Millennials? Let Them Make It Their Own
- by Kristin Ivie
- Empowering Millennials to support a cause or product their way has been a proven way to engage our generation
- innovative ways to involve individuals in the creation and marketing of products can draw in new users and loyal supporters for products and organizations with staying power.
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PublicDecisions: Free Thurs Sept 9 Webinar on Painting the Landscape: An Intl Expl of Public-Govt Decision Making
- Free Thurs Sept 9 Webinar on Painting the Landscape: An Intl Expl of Public-Govt Decision Making
- A Practical Insights Webinar Thursday, 9 September 18:30 Eastern (New York) / 22:30 GMT
- Questions? Contact Chief Learning Officer Dr. Beth Offenbacker.
- In 2005 the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) and The Charles F. Kettering Foundation began work on a joint research project exploring public-government decision making in seven country/regions of the world: Africa, Asia, Australasia, Canada, Latin America, UK/Western Europe and the United States. As a result, this monumental effort has provided a unique, cross-cultural perspective of the social, political and institutional dimensions of public participation, at the country and at the regional level.
- Learn more and register for this program
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White House Announcement on Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online
- White House Announcement on
- From: Steven Clift
- Also note:
- Today marks the launch of, a site that empowers the U.S. Government and the public to bring the best ideas and top talent to bear on our nation's most pressing challenges.
- where entrepreneurs, innovators, and citizen solvers can compete for prestige and prizes by providing novel solutions to tough problems, large and small. features (pdf) over 35 challenges posed by more than 15 government agencies.
- To share your novel solutions, compete for prizes and prestige, and advance our national priorities, visit Official Press Release: Official Fact Sheet:
Sunlight Foundation ID's $1.3T in "broken" federal spending data: Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online
- Sunlight Foundation ID's $1.3T in "broken" federal spending data
- From: Steven Clift
- See:
-, a new website and "scorecard" that analyzes how well U.S. government agencies are reporting their spending data on
- Sunlight's analysis isn't just about one website -- it's about the way we keep tabs on our society's use of its resources. We shouldn't let these systems become afterthoughts.
- Read more from Sunlight's Executive Director Ellen Miller on our blog at: and from Sunlight Labs Director Tom Lee: I encourage you to give us your feedback in the comments section of our blog(s).
Corporations spread influence through congressional charities
- Corporations spread influence through congressional charities
- by Anna Scalamogna
- Lawmakers are mixing charitable and political agendas creating yet another loophole that ultimately allows more corporate influence in Congress.
- "at least two dozen charities that lawmakers or their families helped create or run routinely accept donations from businesses seeking to influence them."
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Government and Social Media Wiki - US Congress: Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online
- Government and Social Media Wiki - US Congress
- From: josh.s
- Subject: [COG] Help with government and social media wiki To: Citizens For OpenGov
- My name is Josh Shpayher and I recently launched a wiki that tracks governmental use of social media - .
- I am looking for some volunteers to help me collect data - specifically links to congressional campaign facebook pages, twitter pages etc.
Economist - A cyber-house divided - Online as much as in the real world, people bunch together in mutually suspicious groups: Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online
- Economist - A cyber-house divided - Online as much as in the real world, people bunch together in mutually suspicious groups
- From: Steven Clift
- A generation of digital activists had hoped that the web would connect groups separated in the real world. The internet was supposed to transcend colour, social identity and national borders. But research suggests that the internet is not so radical. People are online what they are offline: divided, and slow to build bridges.
- How do we successfully build bridges online? This is something I'd like to discuss on the international Digital Inclusion Network:
E-Democracy gathering in San Diego, Thu Sep 16: Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online
- E-Democracy gathering in San Diego, Thu Sep 16
- From: Steven Clift
- On Thursday, September 16, join E-Democracy Executive Director Steven Clift for a dynamic and informal discussion among those interested in online participation, transparency, and all things "2.0" with local neighborhoods, communities, and government. We will talk about the spread of CityCamp unconferences as well (we host the online group).
Call for papers – Transformative Works and Fan Activism (ejournal) « Blog dell'Associazione Culturale Fichu
- Call for papers – Transformative Works and Fan Activism (ejournal)
- Edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova, University of Southern California
- How might research on fandom and participatory culture inform our understanding of citizenship and activism? Cultural theorists have long speculated about how our fantasy lives and cultural engagements might inspire broader forms of public participation.
- In his book Understanding Popular Culture, for example, John Fiske describes one potential route which might lead a young woman from fannish interest in Madonna towards the resources, skills, and identities she needs to contribute to social change. Fan studies have long located localized resistances within the cultural productions and practices associated with fandom, looking at how fan fiction, say, might lead to new understandings of gender, sexuality, and race. Yet there has been less work that examines how these imaginative practices, at times facilitated by digital media, might lead to an enhanced sense of agency or a new vision of social change, or how the skills developed through fandom might be mobilized for getting people out to vote, protesting public policies, or encouraging contributions and volunteerism around emergency situations.
- Contact You are encouraged to contact the guest editors with advance inquiries or proposals: Henry Jenkins, hjenkins AT Sangita Shresthova, sangita.shresthova AT
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Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network Blog: Voting after foreclosure
- Voting after foreclosure
- the increased number of displaced people this year means increased issues of where to vote, updating registrations, showing documentation of residence and meeting new, unfamiliar deadlines.
- The Fair Elections Legal Network has responded by issuing a new report entitled Lose Your Home, Keep Your Vote: How to Protect Voters Caught Up in Foreclosure, that urges election officials to interpret state law and issue clear guidance in ways that would protect voters in residential limbo this November.
- Posted by R.Adams
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National Voter Registration Month 2010
- National Association of Secretaries of State Declares September 2010 National Voter Registration Month
- Dunlap and other secretaries of state are working with federal, state and local officials in making the nation's eligible voters aware of registration deadlines and requirements for the November 2 general election, as well as promoting state resources to help with the registration process. Eligible citizens who plan to vote this November are urged to submit their voter registration information without delay.
- For a calendar with state voter registration deadlines and other November 2010 election resources, click here.
- Media contact: Kay Stimson 202.624.3528 or