Originally by Gabriela Schneider of Sunlight Foundation.
Sunlight Foundation ID's $1.3T in "broken" federal spending data: Newswire - Steven Clift's Democracies Online Newswire: Democracies Online
- Sunlight Foundation ID's $1.3T in "broken" federal spending data
- From: Steven Clift
- See: http://Clearspending.com
- Clearspending.com, a new website and "scorecard" that analyzes how well U.S. government agencies are reporting their spending data on USASpending.gov.
- Sunlight's analysis isn't just about one website -- it's about the way we keep tabs on our society's use of its resources. We shouldn't let these systems become afterthoughts.
- Read more from Sunlight's Executive Director Ellen Miller on our blog at: http://blog.sunlightfoundation.com/2010/09/08/clearspending-thats-what-we-need/ and from Sunlight Labs Director Tom Lee: http://sunlightlabs.com/blog/2010/clearspending-and-why-its-important/ I encourage you to give us your feedback in the comments section of our blog(s).
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