A federal appeals court says San Francisco's "instant run-off" elections are constitutional.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday upheld a lower court's ruling that the city's ranked-choice process approved by voters in 2002 offers the electorate a more nuanced process than traditional elections without disenfranchising anyone.
instant runoff voting; noun chiefly (US)
another term for alternative vote.
another term for alternative vote.
"instant runoff voting noun" Oxford Dictionary of English. Edited by Angus Stevenson. Oxford University Press, 2010. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. David Weller. 23 May 2011 <http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t140.e0994413>
alternative vote; noun
an electoral system whereby voters rank candidates in order of preference. In the event that one candidate fails to achieve a sufficient majority, the candidate with the fewest number of first-preference rankings is eliminated and these votes redistributed, the process being repeated until one candidate achieves the required majority.
an electoral system whereby voters rank candidates in order of preference. In the event that one candidate fails to achieve a sufficient majority, the candidate with the fewest number of first-preference rankings is eliminated and these votes redistributed, the process being repeated until one candidate achieves the required majority.
"alternative vote noun" Oxford Dictionary of English. Edited by Angus Stevenson. Oxford University Press, 2010. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. David Weller. 23 May 2011 <http://www.oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t140.e0994381>
- For Instant Runoff Voting news developments, see The Voting News.
- For Instant Runoff Voting advocacy, see FairVote.org.