Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reflections on political reform in America

  • So, is the US Constitution relevant to today's politicians / journalists?  'Tis a nation of laws, not men!
  • So, is there a balanced scale of justice for contributors to judicial campaigns?  'Tis a nation of laws, not men!
  • So, should incumbents spend one-third of their working hours raising money?  'Tis a nation of laws, not men!
  • So, should people spend on pricey lobbyists in order to help representatives draft legislation?  'Tis a nation of laws, not men!
  • So, should general election debates include the nominees of all legal political parties?  'Tis a nation of laws, not men!
  • So, should the states' highest election officials be partisan political party members?  'Tis a nation of laws, not men!