Sunlight Foundation is asking us to volunteer for an earmark investigation project. Work in collaboration with Citizens Against Government Waste and Taxpayers for Common Sense, simply by calling your own US Representative and two US Senators and asking them if they would post on their official websites all of their earmark requests.
Now, before you begin, there are already 46 congress members who already do so, and 46 more who have decided not to request earmarks. Please check these lists out, and follow the continuously-updated chart at Sunlight Foundation for progress on this timely project. This is the time of year when our representatives disclose to their appropriation committee their earmark requests.
Isn't it time we, the people, got basic information, too, on these pet project requests? Last year, for instance, our representatives spent over $17 billion of our tax money on these mostly localized projects. To volunteer, please go to Sunlight Foundation's "Earmark Disclosures 2009" page and see if your reps. have already answered. If they haven't, call their office and ask if they will disclose to the public their requests for earmarks on their official websites, and if not, why. Then, please fill out the short form at the top of the earmarks page, including any notes about the call. Thank you
> All Things Reform Mobile
> Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121 (not toll-free)
> US House/ US Senate Mobile
> "Ready, set, contact your reps.!"