After an exhaustive and time-consuming effort of editing each post's labels on All Things Reform, we now have an organized and concise listing available for research purposes. You can browse the tags in the bottom of the left column of the blog, or search them using multiple keywords from the search box in the upper left corner.
We now have over a full year's worth of post tags to use in our research of government reform; for instance, you will see that, up until now, we have taken action on 107 alerts to our government officials! These keyword tags are short for the most part, so a search should include as many tags as possible in order to narrow your results.
All Things Reform has several features for research and convenience to the citizen activist, including tags (labels), databases, public interest groups, voting assistance, daily government information, action alerts, a political calendar and more. And, don't forget to visit our networking sites, such as Facebook, Netvibes and Blog Catalog.
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