Common Cause is running a petition drive to ask our states' legislators to support the National Popular Vote. It is a change from the current Electoral College system for electing our president. It guarantees the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Four times in our history, (most recently in 2000) the Electoral College has sent a second-place candidate to the White House. This almost happened again in 2004 and some pollsters are already predicting it could happen again in 2008.
So far, four states have adopted the NPV plan (Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Illinois) and it has passed through at least one legislative body in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.
So far, four states have adopted the NPV plan (Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Illinois) and it has passed through at least one legislative body in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.
Please sign the Common Cause petition now, to tell your own state legislators that you support the National Popular Vote as a way to elect our president.
Thank you
you realize that would turn our representative republic into a democracy aka the majority tells the minority what to do.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a democratic republic. Our representatives speak for us, the people (their constituents). We determine who our reps. are through elections- why not make them clear?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments!
Haven't you figured it out yet? Just look at the choice we had last election! It is who "they" want to run us into the New World Order...Open up your eyes, the elections are fixed, we are being led like sheep.