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From: Concord Coalition
WASHINGTON – The Concord Coalition today released the Convention Edition of its Election 2008 "Key Questions" brochure. Representatives of The Concord Coalition will distribute the brochure at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. The brochure proposes questions that citizens and the media should ask candidates about the federal budget and the nation's fiscal future. Each question features background information to provide context on these critical issues.
"The candidates we elect in 2008 will face crucial decisions about the path of our nation's fiscal policy. These decisions go well beyond what may be needed to balance the budget in the short-term. Campaigns are the best time for voters to find out how candidates plan to deal with the looming fiscal challenge, or whether they have even thought about it at all. It is crucial that voters be able to assess whether the candidates appreciate the magnitude of the looming fiscal challenge, the need for trade-offs, and the importance of acting sooner rather than later," said Concord Coalition Executive Director Robert L. Bixby.
"Some candidates will be tempted to tell the voters what they think they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. It's up to the voters to make each campaign a 'pander-free' zone. For our part, we hope these questions will help in that effort. We also encourage candidates to show initiative by bringing up these issues themselves, without waiting for the voters to demand answers. That is what real leadership is about," said Concord Coalition Field Director Harry Zeeve.
The brochure includes these questions, with explanations:
- Do you believe that budget deficits matter?
- Do you have a plan to balance the federal budget?
- What specific spending cuts would you propose to help balance the budget?
- What assumptions do you make regarding the future of defense spending?
- How do you plan to deal with the budgetary consequences of extending some or all of the expiring tax cuts?
- Will you be as committed to slowing the growth of health costs as you are to expanding health care coverage?
- What steps would you take to close Social Security’s long-term funding gap?
Key Questions Convention Update (brochure in pdf format): http://www.concordcoalition.
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