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From: Institución Futuro
I have the great pleasure of sharing with fellow American citizens Spain's excellent way to calculate annual "Tax Freedom Day". Here in the US, the nonpartisan tax research group Tax Foundation calculates each year what our own Tax Freedom Day is; but, Institucion Futuro goes one step further and provides an online calculator for more individualized results. Below is text from a letter from Ana Yerro; the links she provides are English-language web pages.
Dear David,
This is Ana Yerro, head of communications of the Spanish think tank Institución Futuro ( I read your blog “All things reform” on regular basis and also we are friends in Facebook.
I am writing you to inform you about Institución Futuro ( new initiative. We have launched the Tax Freedom Day campaign (
en ) in Spain. The official presentation took place on June 5th and it was a full success in terms of media coverage and citizens participation. Our ‘best man’ was Pedro Schwartz, a renowned Spanish liberal economist who supports our cause. Until July 21st , over 2.000 citizens have calculated their own Tax Freedom Day with our taxes calculator, and the web site, which includes many resources, has obtained until now more than 5.000 sessions, and this is just the beginning!
The results are as follows: the Navarra Tax Freedom Day is April 26th, while the Spanish Tax Freedom Day is May 21st. (http://www. ).cifras.php
The Instituto Futuro online Tax Freedom Day calculator helps the individual citizen; it takes advantage of the latest internet technology for taxpayer research in determining at what point in the year you stop paying for the government and start paying for yourself.
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