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Election Integrity Doc 'Uncounted' to Premiere on National Cable Network!
Starz announced that David Earnhardt's seminal election integrity documentary, Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections will be premiering on several of the pay cable net's outlets beginning on August 28th.
"Think your vote counts? Think again," the announcement trumpets, before describing the film as "A searing indictment of the election process as it affected both the 2004 and 2006 Elections...And could affect the outcome of the 2008 Election."
The beautifully structured film will screen multiple times on both Starz Edge and Starz Cinema from August through early October (see currently scheduled showings here).
Also, Earnhardt has been kind enough to offer hand-signed DVD versions of the film available as a premium here only for The BRAD BLOG readers. So if you'd like your very own collectors' edition of Uncounted (and we think you'll want to share it with alot of folks once you see it!) we'll get one out to you right away in exchange for a contribution to The BRAD BLOG of $50 or more. Further purchasing details here.
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