Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Verified Voting: GOP raises the stakes: Voter ID Bill Coming to Wisconsin Legislature in Dems' Absence?

"In a move meant to lure boycotting opposition [state] senators back to Wisconsin, the Republican leader of the state Senate threatened Monday to force a vote soon on a bill that is abhorred by Democrats: requiring people to show an ID at the polls. The push on the photo ID bill by Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (Republican-Juneau) is the latest example of Republicans pressuring Democrats in hopes of ending the standoff over the bill on union rights. Senate Democrats disappeared to Illinois on Thursday to prevent a vote on that bill, and they’ve been there ever since."
Commenting is below this article.

Related information:
State of Wisconsin Senate bill SB-6 [PDF]; Relating to: requiring certain identification in order to vote at a polling place or obtain an absentee ballot, verification of the addresses of electors, absentee voting procedure in certain residential care apartment complexes and adult family homes, identification cards issued by the Department of Transportation, creating an identification certificate issued by the Department of Transportation, requiring the exercise of rule−making authority, and providing a penalty.

Wisconsonians: Your own Wisconsin state senators can be contacted regarding this bill; please include the bill number SB-6.

Thanks to Verified Voting for the above quote referring to an Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal-Sentinel article.
