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From: Center for Investigative Reporting
Election 2008: The Secret Money Project
The Center for Investigative Reporting and National Public Radio have launched a joint initiative tracking the hidden cash in this election season. The Secret Money Project catalogues and examines the sometimes-shadowy independent groups seeking to influence both the presidential and Senate races.
In 2004, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads kneecapped Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry’s campaign. This year’s crop of
independent ads has the potential to be equally powerful. Outside advocacy
groups can raise unlimited sums of money and operate under more secrecy than the candidates or party committees. Check out The Secret Money Project on
+ INTERACTIVE MAP: Who's paying to influence voters in your state? Watch the
ads and learn who's behind them in a state-by-state interactive map:
[ ]
+ BLOG: A blog of breaking news and analysis by reporters Peter Overby (NPR)
and Will Evans (CIR):
+ DIG DEEPER: See profiles of key advocacy groups, showing their background,
context and funding sources. A leadership directory details the interconnected
web of political operatives behind the advocacy groups:
+ SEND US TIPS: Readers can report new ads, automated calls, and other
political efforts by independent groups:
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>All Things Reform Mobile: >Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 (not toll-free) >US House/Senate Mobile: >Contact your reps tips: >Shortened All Things Reform URL: