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From: Open Debates
Open Debates Action Alert
Dear Open Debates Supporters:
The Commission on Presidential Debates, which was created by the Republican and Democratic parties, still refuses to make public the contract negotiated by the Obama and McCain campaigns that will govern our presidential debates. This lack of transparency is unacceptable. It is time to take action.
Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) of the McCain campaign and Representative Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) of the Obama campaign directly negotiated the secret contract that will dictate the terms of the upcoming presidential debates.
PLEASE CALL the offices of Sen. Graham and Rep. Emanuel and demand that they make public the debate contract. They are elected officials who are obligated to serve the interests of the voting public:
Phone number of the Office of Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC): 202-224-5972 Phone number of the Office of Rahm Emanuel (D-IL): 202-225-4061
Also, PLEASE CALL the Commission on Presidential Debates and demand that it makes public the debate contract. The Commission claims that its mission is to “provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners.” Hold them accountable to their mission.
Phone number of the Commission on Presidential Debates: 202-872-1020
Please let us know what happens.
Open Debates is teaming up with nine other pro-democracy organizations to issue the following press release today demanding the release of the debate contract:
Additionally, you can hear Open Debates Executive Director George Farah on the radio show “CounterSpin” at the following link:
Thank you for all your support!
-- Open Debates Team
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