From: National Alliance to End Homelessness
September 21-27, 2008 is National Homeless & Low Income Voter Registration Week
Another important election year is approaching and we hope you will join us in ensuring everyone’s voice is heard. The National Coalition for the Homeless, the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, and the National Low Income Housing Coalition are honored to invite your organization to participate in National Homeless & Low Income Voter Registration Week on September 21-27, 2008 by hosting a voter registration drive or promoting voter education and participation.
The National Alliance to End Homelessness, the National Coalition for the Homeless, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty and the National Low Income Housing Coalition hosted a National Audio Conference to discuss plans for this week. Listen to a recording of the call.
Also, the National Coalition for the Homeless has made available “You Don’t Need A Home To Vote, a toolkit on conducting voter registration, education and mobilization.
Information on National Homeless and Low-Income Voter Registration Week
Since equal access to the right to vote is a crucial part of maintaining a true democracy, nonprofits and service agencies nationwide will dedicate the week towards registering homeless and low-income individuals to vote. For those unable to conduct voter registration drives, the week can also be used to educate community members on the upcoming general election.
As another organization dedicated to homeless empowerment and economic justice, we hope you will join us in this effort. With your support, we are confident we can reach more individuals not yet registered to vote.
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