of Treasury Paulson, Pres. Bush
and VP Cheney.
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From: National Taxpayer Union
No More Bailouts!
Are you tired of hearing about how your tax dollars are going to bail out government-sponsored enterprises and private institutions? We are.
Did you send your hard-earned money to the IRS to cover the fiscal mismanagement at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, and AIG? We didn’t.
Do you like the sound of a new $25 billion bailout for big auto companies? We don’t.
It’s time to say “enough is enough!” Sign our “No More Bailouts” petition to Congress and the President today.
Unless people like you speak out, there’s no end in sight to this abuse of taxpayer dollars. Act today!
Sign this petition and notify: As a taxpaying American, I demand an end to the public bailouts of government-sponsored enterprises and private institutions.
President George W. Bush
Your Congressperson
Your Senators
America's economic success is largely due to our free-market system, in which risk is a fundamental element. Some businesses succeed tremendously, some fail spectacularly. But they should do so on their own, not with the backing of millions of reluctant citizens' paychecks.
If troubled institutions seek relief, they should restructure their businesses the way millions of families have had to restructure their budgets, rather than bellying up to Congress' trough.
Bailouts that keep mismanaged organizations afloat delay natural corrections to unsound business practices. In the long run, bailouts do not "rescue" anyone because they stall the adoption of necessary reforms that would prevent future repeats of bad choices.
Enough is enough. No more bailouts. Not with my tax dollars.
>All Things Reform Mobile: allthingsreform.mofuse.mobi >Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 (not toll-free) >US House/Senate Mobile: bit.ly/members >Contact your reps tips: bit.ly/dear >Shortened All Things Reform URL: bit.ly/dw